A corporate website (in other words a business site) enables you to represent a company, product or service on the Internet fully. As a rule, in addition to the static pages About Us, Services, Contacts, the website contains news, promotions, articles, galleries and other additional modules if needed.
What do you get when ordering a corporate website at WebLux:
- Unique design
- Adaptive design
- CMS (Сontent Management System) is a website management system
- Administrative panel
- Feedback form
- Google Maps tag
- Domain and hosting for a year
- Attendance statistics
The website contains a CMS, which allows the owner to change the filling independently.
CMS (Сontent Management System) is a website management system. Website filling management gives the web project administrator (manager) the ability to add / delete / edit photos, text materials. The owner can independently edit the content of the website - add photos, videos, sections, news, special offers, articles and delete or modify them. A management system is required when changes to the website occur at a certain frequency, as a rule, all websites are now created with a content management system.
We do not use free, universal management systems. They have a number of drawbacks, which makes it impossible to guarantee a successful result in the future.
We use our own studio management system, which runs all kinds of websites, including ours.
Our system is easy to manage, fast, search engine friendly.
CMS does not require any special technical skills such as programming or html-layout. To manage the website is enough basic level of the computer user.
An example of a corporate website is Favorbud:
in addition to static pages (about us, contacts) there is a blog, portfolio in the form of nested galleries, products.